Science fiction

  • Horror Shorts

    Fancy a short shot of horror? I have two books to recommend to you. In Broken Sigil by William Meikle Joe Connors is a cop who is called to investigate the death of his friend, Johnny Provan. Connor’s investigations soon unearth an affair between his friend and his late wife and when he visits the…

  • Iain Banks

    I’ll never forget how I felt when I turned the last page of The Wasp Factory. I was stunned. Stunned by the talent, the story telling, the words I had just read. Iain had take me to a strange, troubled and disturbing world from where I didn’t want to leave. And I still don’t. Although I’m not…

  • An Interview with Laurence MacNaughton

    Following my review of Conspiracy of Angels yesterday, I was lucky enough to secure an interview with the talented Mr. MacNaughton himself. I hope you enjoy it and if you read on to the bottom you’ll find out how you can win a digital copy of Conspiracy of Angels for yourself. Hi Laurence! Can you share…

  • Star Trek FAQ

     Star Trek FAQ is a Trekkers dream come true. The author, Mark Clark, provides in one volume more information that you ever thought possible to exist on this perennial Sci Fi favourite.. The book is divided into 6 main themes, the first of which looks at the pre-history of Star Trek. Here we find out…

  • Clean Sheets and a Handy Vine

    [tweetmeme source=”nettiewriter”] My good friend had Sebastian Faulk’s Birdsong ruined for her because one of the characters managed to strip a bed, wash and dry the sheets and make it back up again in the course of an afternoon. “I have difficulty doing that now with all the mod cons in my kitchen How…