
  • Judging a book

    I love to read and I also enjoy reviewing what I read. I’ve been an active Netgalley user for several years and have discovered many wonderful new authors. I’ve also tried to read a lot of trash, but they always seemed a good idea at the time. Recently, there has been a considerable number of…

  • If Only I Knew…

    My debut self-published story collection ‘And The Angels Cried and other stories’ is launched on Amazon Kindle tomorrow. I’ve hardly slept for a week and have been obsessively checking and double checking everything. I can do no more. I have read, with great interest, many blogs written by friends and colleagues who have gone down…

  • A week to go…

    … and I’m not sleeping. The first flush of confidence about And The Angels Cried has gone and left in its wake a quivering mess of insecurity, nerves and nausea. Have I made a mistake? Will anyone buy it? And if they do, will they leave nothing but 1* reviews on Amazon? I am sure…

  • Interview with Sandra Goroff – Part 1

    In the first of an occasional series of Q & A from Boston based international literary and arts publicist Sandra Goroff, here are her thoughts on how publishing has changed since she entered the profession. When I first arrived at Boston based Houghton Mifflin Company’s Trade and Reference Division on July 26, 1982, publishing was…

  • Copyright

    [tweetmeme source=”nettiewriter”] I am a writer and lucky enough to have been published in a variety of magazines. I have shared some of my fiction on this blog, blithely ignorant of any resulting copyright issues. Today this will stop and I will no longer crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. How will…