Mental health

  • We need to talk about Collin*

    // I was recently talking to a friend about depression – we have both suffered with it off and on and they are one of the first people I go to when I’m ‘having a sad’. Talking to them made me think about my own history. I have always tried to be open about my…

  • More About Mum

    There doesn’t seem to have been any improvement regarding mum. I am trying my best to stand back, but I find it terribly difficult. Yes, the stress of dealing with her makes me ill, but she’s still my mum. Anyway, after withdrawing for a while I called her on Friday. She told me her ear…

  • A Wee Black Dog

    I made a quiet promise to myself that I was going to blog once a week this year. I didn’t ‘go public’ with it because that just adds pressure and makes me less likely to do it, just to be awkward. I’m like that. Anyhoo, for a variety of reasons too boring and personal to…

  • The Black Dog and the Virtual World

    I have written this additional blog post about depression and the power of social media as part of Sane’s Virtual Black Dog campaign. I have had depression off and on for most of my life. It wasn’t diagnosed until just after my daughter was born, 17 years ago, but the symptoms were there long before…

  • I’ve been busy, honest…

    So, it’s been a while. How have you been? Yes, I know you haven’t heard from me for a while, but I have had my reasons, honest! I’ve been going through a flare up of my

  • You know, it isn’t catching….

    In times of old, woman who had a child out of wedlock were often locked up in an asylum; boys with epilepsy were thought to be possessed, as were poor souls who heard voices. They were obviously in league with the devil himself. Ah, olden times: thank God it’s different now, eh?