
  • It’s heeeeerre!

    Yup, the moment we’ve all been dreading and looking forward to in equal measure is here: my book is now available on Amazon. I promise not to go on and on and on about it and asking you all to buy it. After today. But for today, every time someone decides not to buy my…

  • If Only I Knew…

    My debut self-published story collection ‘And The Angels Cried and other stories’ is launched on Amazon Kindle tomorrow. I’ve hardly slept for a week and have been obsessively checking and double checking everything. I can do no more. I have read, with great interest, many blogs written by friends and colleagues who have gone down…

  • A week to go…

    … and I’m not sleeping. The first flush of confidence about And The Angels Cried has gone and left in its wake a quivering mess of insecurity, nerves and nausea. Have I made a mistake? Will anyone buy it? And if they do, will they leave nothing but 1* reviews on Amazon? I am sure…

  • Amazon Web Splash: Help Talli Roland hot the Bestseller List

    [tweetmeme source=”nettiewriter”] Help Talli Roland’s debut novel THE HATING GAME hit the Kindle bestseller list at and by spreading the word today. Even a few sales in a short period of time on Amazon helps push the book up the rankings, making it more visible to other readers.…