
  • Relax!

    I cannot relax. I do my best, I try to regularly scan my body for signs of tension and make my muscles relax but, quicker than a midnight cramp, they go back to their default state. My legs are so tense they almost stand proud of the chair and my toes are doubled over in…

  • Anxiety and The Accidental Death Wish

    When I was around nine years old I read Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass. In one of these books, I can’t remember which, Humpty Dumpty tells Alice she should pick an age and stick to it. What a great idea, I thought! I’d choose to be twelve as that’s such a…

  • A new start

    How fab does my new site look? I liked my old site but it was a bit…serious. I don’t think people who knew me would be look at it and say, “That’s so Nettie!” I wanted something light and fun and colourful, something that reflected me and what I write about.

  • We need to talk about Collin*

    // I was recently talking to a friend about depression – we have both suffered with it off and on and they are one of the first people I go to when I’m ‘having a sad’. Talking to them made me think about my own history. I have always tried to be open about my…

  • To Bullet Journal or not…

    Bullet Journalling seems to be flavour of the month, doesn’t it? Everywhere you look nowadays there are people expounding on the benefits of what its inventor calls the “analog system for the digital age.” Do we need such a thing? Is using a notebook and pen a better way to organise your life than an iPhone…

  • *8 Reasons Why I’m Angry

    It’s been a funny few weeks, hasn’t it? I don’t really know where to start, so I’m going to make a list of ALL the things that have got my dander up recently. Syrian refugees have been crossing the Med in their thousands and only when the shocking picture of a wee lad lying dead…

  • An Only Child and an Elderly Mother

    I have started this post many, many times. It’s not just the fibro fog making the words difficult to find, it’s that actually committing my thoughts and fears to the page forces me to accept that they are real, tangible and inescapable. But I’m a grown up and I hope that writing this all down…

  • The Liebster Award: Take 2

    I was first nominated for the Liebster Award two or three years ago and not only did I get loads of traffic to my blog as a result, it gave me something to write about other than my normal ranty stuff and it was fun. Thanks to the fabulous Ailsa Abraham, I’ve been nominated again…

  • You’ve got a friend in me.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the nature of friendship recently. There have been a few minor crises happening around me and I have been struck by how supportive and caring my friends have been. These people have been there for me whenever things have been black; they have shared my joys and successes, hugged…

  • The Black Dog and the Virtual World

    I have written this additional blog post about depression and the power of social media as part of Sane’s Virtual Black Dog campaign. I have had depression off and on for most of my life. It wasn’t diagnosed until just after my daughter was born, 17 years ago, but the symptoms were there long before…