W is for Windaes Twa Thoosand.

I can’t claim any credit for this one. But it makes me laugh every time I see it. I hope you enjoy it too.



‘Windaes Twa Thoosan’ ®

(‘Glesga Edishun’)

Hoaw, by the way! Micro$oft wants to help YOU in Glesga. Dinnae be forced tae use confusing Englified software apps. Due to be released before the Fair Fortnight, the ‘Glesga’ Ediion of Windows 2000, entitled Windies Twa Thoosan’ ® will hit the Barras.

Feel at ease straight away ! The traditional “Start” button has been replaced with a more familiar term

The “Recycle Bin” has been renamed to something more fitting:

While the “Internet Explorer” now has a more recognisable title:

Nae mair fanny-boy names like “My Documents”. Windaes Twa Thoosan’ tells it like it is:

An’ “C:\ drive” (wits that then?) is now called something a wee bit merr appropriate:

“Yes”, “No” & “Cancel” are no longer used..

Several exclusive programmes have been included with ‘Windaes Twa Thoosan’





7 responses to “W is for Windaes Twa Thoosand.”

  1. dandeliongirl01 Avatar

    I love this!!! Thank you for sharing 😀 x

  2. Carol Avatar

    Hahahahaha!! LOVE IT!!! C x

  3. Margot Kinberg Avatar

    Nettie – This is priceless!! Absolutely priceless! Brilliant! Erm – how do you say all that in ‘Weegie?’ 😉

    1. Annette Avatar

      That’s puir dead brulliant, man!

  4. elegsabiff Avatar

    Love it, shared on my Facebook page, thank you!

  5. […] absolutely hilarious post at Annette Thomsson’s terrific writing blog has got me thinking about Windows. That’s right, […]

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