No body does an insult like a Weegie. and to prove my point, try using the examples below next time you want to cut someone down a peg or two.
WARNING: the following contains sweary words.
Away n bile yer heid. Go and boil your head.
Ya big balloon. You large, pompous oaf.
Ya bampot. You are an idiot.
Ya doolally basstard. You are a bewildered soul of uncertain parentage.
Yiv goat a face like a skelped erse. You have a face like a slapped bottom.
Yir feet ur puir bowfin n they gie me the boak. Your feet smell and make me feel sick.
Yiv a face like a camel eatin’ sherbet. Your face looks like a camel partaking of something sour.
Yiv goat a face like a dug lickin’ pish aff a nettle. Your face resembles that of a dog licking it’s own urine from a stinging weed.
And to hear these insults as they should be spoken…
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
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