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At Tesco today:

Cashier: ‘That’s £29.87, please.’

Mum: ‘£39.27?’

Cashier: ‘No, £29.87.’

Mum: ‘£27.99?’

Cashier: ‘Do you have your own bags?’

Mum: ‘I’m very well, thanks.’

Me: ‘I need booze.’
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10 responses to “£29.87”

  1. Gill Fraser Lee Avatar

    My mother has had hearing loss all her life, and it’s got worse lately, so I completely empathise. I am taking her to Sainsburys tomorrow, so no doubt a similar scenario will unfold …

  2. Anne Mackle Avatar

    Your mum sounds like me!!!!

  3. Jackie Aitchison Avatar
    Jackie Aitchison

    Love it!!

  4. Martha Avatar

    Ha! Lovely 🙂

  5. Kim Milward Avatar
    Kim Milward

    And I always thought I was an only child! Mine doesn’t find hearing aids of any use. Well, would you if they stayed in the box? Stubborn as a mule. Talking of mules, someone pour me a Moscow one as an imminent maternal visit necessitates anaesthesia. That is all.

  6. Ann Patey Avatar
    Ann Patey

    LOL! I had a phone conversation with my Dad the other day who is deaf. It was quite clear by bis responses he couldn’t hear us and I felt so sorry for him. I lived in Cyprus years ago and sometimes when everyone was babbling away in Greek so fast I couldn’t keep up, my thoughts used to wander off and I imagine this is a bit how a deaf person feels. Speech invading your mind but unable to make sense of the words so it’s easier to drift off.

  7. Joanne (@OpinionsToGo) Avatar

    Somehow, sweet and sad at the same time.

  8. Glynis Smy Avatar

    LOL! I love your mum and her antics.

    I spoke with my mum today and said something about my dad’s care. ‘Yes, he always has had lovely hair’, was her reply. Then proceeded to tell me about something that happened at her hairdressers. I gave up listening after 5 mins of perm and curl disaster stories!

  9. sarsm Avatar

    Your mum’s brilliant!!

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